Becky Wright & Kelsey MacDermaid

@TheSorryGirls @TheSorryLife

Becky Wright & Kelsey MacDermaid

@TheSorryGirls @TheSorryLife


@TheSorryGirls @TheSorryLife

The Sorry Girls

‘Becky Wright and Kelsey MacDermaid started their creative journey together in 2010 when they met in University and dubbed themselves as The Sorry Girls for their new YouTube channel. They called themselves The Sorry Girls because they knew that a play on the stereotype that Canadians say sorry way too often would always be true of themselves and Canada. Kelsey and Becky started their YouTube channel to teach young women just like themselves how to make cute and unique Halloween costumes on a budget. They didn’t know what their channel would be or where it would go when they started but it has turned into a creative, inspiring, and money saving lifestyle that they are thrilled to be a part of every day. The Sorry Girls look at everything from home décor and fashion to Halloween and Christmas and put their heads together to figure out how to DIY (do it yourself) this season’s trends using materials that are easy to access and instructions that are easy to follow. Since starting their YouTube channel together their following across all social media has grown to over one and a half million followers and they have inspired many to pick up a hammer, get some paint on their hands and #doitforthediy.’





All session by Becky Wright & Kelsey MacDermaid

Zen and the Art of Creating

3:45 pm - 4:30 pm
Studio 3